Donna Hazard’s TEDx Talk: Investing in Blue Economy


To SeaAhead, the ocean is not a victim, but an endless source of opportunity and innovation. For 5 years, they’ve worked hard to build bluetech venture ecosystems in New England and beyond. SeaAhead Board Member and Partner Donna Hazard had an opportunity to speak about the power of the Bluetech at TEDxBoston, and we were honored to play a role in developing her talk.


"The threats are real, but the opportunities are almost infinite. And no matter where you're coming from and what you're bringing to the table - you can make a difference."

– Donna Hazard


Building a Talk to Remember

Distilling a big idea into a short, inspiring talk is no easy feat. In this TEDx talk, Donna shared the highlights of her journey to SeaAhead. We worked with Donna to shape a narrative of hope and possibility in contrast to the doomsday predictions that dominate our climate discourse. Instead of leading with statistics, she opened with an invitation — imagine a better future with sustainable seafood, clean global shipping, and an end to ocean plastics.

A strong narrative arc, clear explanations, and compelling stories all came together to leave the audience more hopeful and inspired.

To learn more about the pitch development approach we use to help Donna craft her talk, check out our last article, 3 Principles to Perfect Your Pitch.

Designing Beautiful, Supportive Slides

For any pitch, a thoughtfully designed deck is essential to backdrop every point. We built a deck that focused on short, attention-grabbing headlines and colorful ocean imagery. This gave the audience visual cues to make the stories stick and keep the talk moving. Simple, direct slides helped reinforce her narrative without splitting the audience’s attention between the speaker and the screen.

Intentional slides design cuts through the noise and ensures your audience will remember the highlights of your story. That’s why deck design is an essential part of all our pitch coaching work!



Getting ready for a big pitch or presentation?

We’ve helped hundreds of leaders develop strong pitches and stunning pitch decks. Contact us to schedule a call and discuss how we can help you.

Tino Chow

Working with visionaries to build impactful movements through developing brands that help their teams make mission-driven decisions autonomously.

People, Discipline, Trust: My Leadership Journey from the Army to Design


3 Principles to perfect your pitch